Selamat Datang ^^
Kami Banyak Memiliki Informasi Untuk Anda. Selamat Menyimak Informasi Kami. Trimakasih ^^
Selamat Datang ^^
Butuh Informasi Tentang Perkembangan Gadget?? Atau Ingin Membeli Mobilephone Dengan Fitur Unggul?? Kami Menyediakan Informasi Ini Untuk Anda. Selamat Menikmati ^^
Selamat Datang ^^
Kami Banyak Memiliki Informasi Untuk Anda. Selamat Menyimak Informasi Kami. Trimakasih ^^
Selamat Dtang ^^
Butuh Informasi Tentang Perkembangan Gadget?? Atau Ingin Membeli Mobilephone Dengan Fitur Unggul?? Kami Menyediakan Informasi Ini Untuk Anda. Selamat Menikmati ^^
Selamat Dtang ^^
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012
New Samsung Ultrabook 9 Series
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Samsung Series 9: Ultrabook Tipis Peforma
Kelas Wahid
Di masa mendatang ukuran
perangkat digital cenderung mengecil dan tipis. Selain indah dipandang, juga
praktis dan dianggap seksi.
New Samsung Ultrabook 5 series
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Samsung Series
5, Ultrabook Elegan Harga Bersahabat
Kehadiran ultrabook Samsung Series 5 bisa dibilang sedikit
terlambat. Sebab, persaingan di segmen laptop supertipis ini sudah dimulai
sejak awal tahun.
Agar tak sekadar menjadi pelengkap, Samsung pun menyematkan hard disk drive berkapasitas masif di Series 5, yakni 500 GB. Inilah kelebihan Series 5.
Dalam uji coba pekan ini, Tempo mendapat kesempatan untuk melihat lebih dekat ultrabook yang memiliki nama lengkap Samsung 530U3B-A02 ini.
Samsung memang dikenal sebagai jagonya pembuat perangkat digital dengan bodi supertipis dan bertenaga besar, baik untuk laptop maupun ponsel cerdas.
Namun, tak seperti laptop ultraportable Series 9, cikal-bakal ultrabook vendor asal Korea Selatan ini, Samsung Series 5 terkesan “biasa-biasa saja”.
Meskipun begitu, jika dibandingkan dengan ultrabook lain, semisal Dell XPS 13, Acer Aspire S3, atau Asus Zenbook UX31, Series 5 tak kalah tangguh.
Selain kapasitas penyimpanan jumbo, harga yang ditawarkan untuk Series 5 ini “cukup murah”, yakni Rp 8,5 juta. Ultrabook lain rata-rata di atas Rp 9 juta.
Samsung Series 5 tersedia dalam dua ukuran layar, yakni 13,3 inci dan 14 inci. Ultrabook yang mampir ke kantor Tempo kali ini adalah versi 13,3 inci.
Kedua model tersebut sama-sama mengusung prosesor kelas menengah, yakni Intel Core i5-2467M. Untuk versi 14 inci, kapasitas hard drive mencapai 1 TB.
Selain hard drive jumbo, masih ada lagi tambahan penyimpanan berupa solid-state drive (SSD) sebesar 16 GB.
Mungkin hanya Lenovo yang mampu menyaingi Samsung dalam menyediakan kapasitas penyimpan sebesar itu. Lenovo Ideapad U300e berkapasitas 500 GB.
Layar seluas 13,3 inci yang diusung Series 5 ini adalah dari jenis anti-reflective dengan tingkat kecerahan mencapai 3.000 nit.
Artinya, Series 5 memiliki tingkat kecerahan 40 persen lebih terang dibanding layar ultrabook lain. Dan, ini yang penting, tak silau jika dipakai di luar.
Tempo sudah membuktikan hal tersebut. Meskipun Series 5 ini dipakai di luar ruang dengan intensitas cahaya matahari tinggi, layar tetap terlihat jelas.
Sebagai sebuah laptop yang masuk kategori ultrabook, Series 5 adalah ultrabook paling “gendut” yang pernah Tempo uji coba.
Mungkin hanya HP Envy 14 Spectre yang bisa disandingkan dengan Series 5. Tebalnya sama-sama 20 milimeter. Bedanya, bagian sisi depan series 5 lebih tipis.
Desain bagian luar Series 5 sangat atraktif dan menawan. Terbuat dari bahan aluminium disemprot warna perak, ultrabook ini terkesan elegan.
Balutan warna metal doff itu membuat permukaan Series 5 tetap bersih. Tak seperti laptop dengan permukaan mengkilap yang kerap meninggalkan sidik jari.
Samsung Series 5 memang bukan ultrabook kelas premium. Bagian dalamnya “hanya” menggunakan prosesor Intel Core i5-2467M (1,6 GHz) dan RAM 4GB.
Meskipun begitu, prosesor tersebut merupakan bagian dari keluarga Sandy Bridge yang khusus dirancang untuk ultrabook. Begitu juga memori grafisnya yang dirancang menyatu dengan CPU inti.
Bila Anda adalah penggemar game, jangan berharap bisa menjalankan game kelas berat di Series 5 ini. Samsung sudah menyiapkan Series 7 untuk para gamer sejati.
Di luar kemampuan menjalankan game berat yang terbatas, cip Intel HD Graphics 3000 mampu menjalankan tugas secara mulus untuk grafis sederhana.
Seperti kabar yang beredar di berbagai situs teknologi, baterai Samsung Series 5 memang tidak dahsyat, tapi juga tidak terlalu buruk. Biasa-biasa saja.
Ketika digunakan untuk menjalankan berbagai aplikasi, termasuk memutar video high definition 720p nonstop, baterai hanya mampu bertahan 191 menit.
Namun, apabila dipakai secara normal, tanpa memutar video dan tak terlalu banyak menjelajahi dunia maya, baterai mampu bertahan selama 6 jam 45 menit.
Jika Anda termasuk penggemar merek Samsung, ultrabook dengan desain elegan dan menawan ini bisa menjadi teman kerja di kantor maupun rumah.
Agar tak sekadar menjadi pelengkap, Samsung pun menyematkan hard disk drive berkapasitas masif di Series 5, yakni 500 GB. Inilah kelebihan Series 5.
Dalam uji coba pekan ini, Tempo mendapat kesempatan untuk melihat lebih dekat ultrabook yang memiliki nama lengkap Samsung 530U3B-A02 ini.
Samsung memang dikenal sebagai jagonya pembuat perangkat digital dengan bodi supertipis dan bertenaga besar, baik untuk laptop maupun ponsel cerdas.
Namun, tak seperti laptop ultraportable Series 9, cikal-bakal ultrabook vendor asal Korea Selatan ini, Samsung Series 5 terkesan “biasa-biasa saja”.
Meskipun begitu, jika dibandingkan dengan ultrabook lain, semisal Dell XPS 13, Acer Aspire S3, atau Asus Zenbook UX31, Series 5 tak kalah tangguh.
Selain kapasitas penyimpanan jumbo, harga yang ditawarkan untuk Series 5 ini “cukup murah”, yakni Rp 8,5 juta. Ultrabook lain rata-rata di atas Rp 9 juta.
Samsung Series 5 tersedia dalam dua ukuran layar, yakni 13,3 inci dan 14 inci. Ultrabook yang mampir ke kantor Tempo kali ini adalah versi 13,3 inci.
Kedua model tersebut sama-sama mengusung prosesor kelas menengah, yakni Intel Core i5-2467M. Untuk versi 14 inci, kapasitas hard drive mencapai 1 TB.
Selain hard drive jumbo, masih ada lagi tambahan penyimpanan berupa solid-state drive (SSD) sebesar 16 GB.
Mungkin hanya Lenovo yang mampu menyaingi Samsung dalam menyediakan kapasitas penyimpan sebesar itu. Lenovo Ideapad U300e berkapasitas 500 GB.
Layar seluas 13,3 inci yang diusung Series 5 ini adalah dari jenis anti-reflective dengan tingkat kecerahan mencapai 3.000 nit.
Artinya, Series 5 memiliki tingkat kecerahan 40 persen lebih terang dibanding layar ultrabook lain. Dan, ini yang penting, tak silau jika dipakai di luar.
Tempo sudah membuktikan hal tersebut. Meskipun Series 5 ini dipakai di luar ruang dengan intensitas cahaya matahari tinggi, layar tetap terlihat jelas.
Sebagai sebuah laptop yang masuk kategori ultrabook, Series 5 adalah ultrabook paling “gendut” yang pernah Tempo uji coba.
Mungkin hanya HP Envy 14 Spectre yang bisa disandingkan dengan Series 5. Tebalnya sama-sama 20 milimeter. Bedanya, bagian sisi depan series 5 lebih tipis.
Desain bagian luar Series 5 sangat atraktif dan menawan. Terbuat dari bahan aluminium disemprot warna perak, ultrabook ini terkesan elegan.
Balutan warna metal doff itu membuat permukaan Series 5 tetap bersih. Tak seperti laptop dengan permukaan mengkilap yang kerap meninggalkan sidik jari.
Samsung Series 5 memang bukan ultrabook kelas premium. Bagian dalamnya “hanya” menggunakan prosesor Intel Core i5-2467M (1,6 GHz) dan RAM 4GB.
Meskipun begitu, prosesor tersebut merupakan bagian dari keluarga Sandy Bridge yang khusus dirancang untuk ultrabook. Begitu juga memori grafisnya yang dirancang menyatu dengan CPU inti.
Bila Anda adalah penggemar game, jangan berharap bisa menjalankan game kelas berat di Series 5 ini. Samsung sudah menyiapkan Series 7 untuk para gamer sejati.
Di luar kemampuan menjalankan game berat yang terbatas, cip Intel HD Graphics 3000 mampu menjalankan tugas secara mulus untuk grafis sederhana.
Seperti kabar yang beredar di berbagai situs teknologi, baterai Samsung Series 5 memang tidak dahsyat, tapi juga tidak terlalu buruk. Biasa-biasa saja.
Ketika digunakan untuk menjalankan berbagai aplikasi, termasuk memutar video high definition 720p nonstop, baterai hanya mampu bertahan 191 menit.
Namun, apabila dipakai secara normal, tanpa memutar video dan tak terlalu banyak menjelajahi dunia maya, baterai mampu bertahan selama 6 jam 45 menit.
Jika Anda termasuk penggemar merek Samsung, ultrabook dengan desain elegan dan menawan ini bisa menjadi teman kerja di kantor maupun rumah.
Sistem operasi: Windows 7 Home Premium (64b)
CPU: Intel Core i5 2.467M
Layar: 13,3 inci LED HD (300 nit, non-gloss) 1.366 x 768 piksel
V RAM: Shared
Memori internal: 4 GB
Hard drive: 500 GB slim
Cip grafik: Intel HD Graphics 3000
Sistem operasi: Windows 7 Home Premium (64b)
CPU: Intel Core i5 2.467M
Layar: 13,3 inci LED HD (300 nit, non-gloss) 1.366 x 768 piksel
V RAM: Shared
Memori internal: 4 GB
Hard drive: 500 GB slim
Cip grafik: Intel HD Graphics 3000
Nirkabel: 1 GB LAN
Wireless: Intel 802.11 a/b/g/n (2 x 2), bluetooth 3.0 HS
Warna: Light titan
Dimensi: 316 x 219 x 18 mm
Bobot: 1,430 kg
Daya tahan baterai: 6 jam 45 menit
- Kapasitas penyimpan 500 GB
- Touchpad sangat responsif
- Layar LED terang dan tajam
- Harga tak terlalu mahal
- Desain tak terlalu istimewa
- Performa standar
- Baterai cepat habis
- Tebal untuk ukuran ultrabook
Kamis, 01 Maret 2012
PlayStation 3 vs XBox 360 vs Nintendo Wii
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PlayStation 3 vs XBox 360 vs Nintendo Wii
halo agan2 sekalian. Perang next-gen sekarang ini merupakan perang batin mereka saling bersaing untuk mencapai penjualan tertinggi.dan itu yg akan saya bahas d sini.....
Bagi agan2 yang berminat membeli 1 diantara 3 console ini mungkin post ini bisa di jadikan bahan pertimbangan untuk agan2 membeli yang terbaik atau lebih sesuai dengan minat agan2..
cekidot ^^
PlayStation 3
Perjuangan berat harus di hadapi Sony untuk dapat mempopulerkan generasi game ke-3 mereka. Banyak muncul sentimen negatif masyarakat dan media terhadap mereka! Meski begitu peluang konsol ini untuk meraih kesuksesan masih terbuka lebar, asalkan Sony dapat membawa peluang yang muncul! PS3 nampak begitu ekslusif dengan desain yang mewah, sayang harga yang d miliki terlalu mahal apalagi bagi gamer tanah air.
Spesifikasi Teknis
CPU ; IBM Cell @3.2Ghz
GPU : Nvidia G& RSX @550MHz
Full HD (up to 1080p)x 2 chanels
Sound: Dolby 5.1ch DTS LCPM
RAM 256 MB XDR 23.2GHz
VRAM 256 MB GDDR3 @700MHz
Storage HDD S-ATA 2.5" (60GB/20GB)
6 USB 2.0 Port
Memory Stick Pro Duo,SD card
Ethernet (10BASE-T,100BASE-TX)
Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b/g
Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
Video : 480i,480p,720p, 1080i,1080p
Video out :HDMI, av Composite, Component
Disc Media : CD,DVD , Blue Ray
-Built-in Ray drive (game, movie musik, dan lainnya) yang mulai di lirik banyak orang
-Paling kuat dngan prosesor cell
-Di dukung multimedia yg cangih dan lengkap, disertakan built-in dalam mesin
-Desain yg tampak mewah dan elegan, fitur sentuh untuk tombol open/close Blueray
-Dukungan backward compatibilyti paling baik
-Kontrol tampak seperti murahan karena tidak ada perubahan dengan PS2
-Kurang siap dalam hal online
-Kopiannya masih belom jelas (bajakan)

Siapa yg tak kenal konsol ini milk Microsoft yang dipersiapkan untuk dapat bersaing deengan PS3 dari Sony. Dirilis setahun lebih awal, xbox360 memiliki berbagai keuntungan sendiri karena mencuri start. Diantaranya ialah Persipan yang lebih matang untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan. Tidak hanya itu, versi game kopiannya juga semakin berkembang di Tanah air, tentunya dangan teknologi flash yg ada! Harganya juga lebih terjangkau....
Spesifikasi Teknis
CPU: Custom PowerPC-based
GPU: ATi R520 Xenos @500MHz
RAM: 512 MB GDDR3 RAM @700MHz Shared
Audio: Multichanel surround 32 bit prosesing
Media: DVD, HD-DVD
All game support 16:9 aspect rasio
Video:Up to 720 p and 1080i video modes
Customizabie face plates to chabge appearance
3 USB 2.0 ports
Support for wireless controllers
Detachable 20 GB hard drive
Optional Wi-Fi ready (802.11a 802.11b dan 802.11g)
Using an Xbox 360-specific or third party wireless accessory
-Dirilis lebih awal dari PS3 dan Wii banyak game telah dirlis perbaikan sistem bug dan sistem jauh lebih baik
-memiliki komunitas yg besar dan untuk fasilitas online xbox live yg mereka sediakan.
-Mulai serius dengan pasar jepang, Asia pada umunnya. Dengan burusaha melahirkan game-game RPG bermutu seperti Lost Odysey, Blue Dragon.
-Ada kopiannya sudah tersedia di tanah air.
-Banyak mengalami masalah ketika di rilis, diantaranya adalah sistem crash dan overheat, yang telah membuat orang ragu untuk membelinya.
-Butuh dana tambah untuk membeli HD-DVD yang di jual secara terpisah.
-Kegagalan Xbox pertama, banyak trauma dengan hal ini!
Nitendo Wii
Terlihat paling menjanjikan dua lainnya. jauh Sebelum di rilis, banyak respon positif diberikan terhadap konsol ini. Palimg inovatif dengan kontrol Wii Remote yang memiliki fitur motion sensor. Begitu juga di tanah air, respon positif banyak di berikan terhadap produk ini. Target penjualannya telah terpenuhi, Wii tampil sebagai satu-satunya konsol next-gen paling laris terjual di awal kali perilisannya! Sesuai prediksi orang.
-Desain konsol sangant simpel, tidak banyak tempat unutk menaruhnya.
-Paling inovatif dibandingkan dua lainnya
-Disertai Zelda diawal kali perilisannya
-Motion sensor dengan kontrol unik Wii Mote!
-Memiliki daftar ekslusif game tetap yang hanya tersedia dimesin game NINTENDO
-Grafis paling buruk dibandingkan dua pesaing lainnya!
-Butuh ruangn khusus untuk memainkannya
-Tunggu sampai tahun depan untuk dapat memutar movie!
-Butuh stamina ekstra dalam bermain
Spesifikasi Teknis
CPU: PowePC *Brodway*
GPU: ATi*Hollywood*
4 Wiimote controllers bluetooth
1 SD Memory card slot
2 USB 2.0 port
1 Sensor bar port
Wifi 802.11b/g wireless built-in
Optinal USB 2.0 port to Ethernet LAN adaptor
Storege 512 MB built-in flash memory
Slot loading disc drive
-8 cm GameCube mini-DVD
-12 cm Wii DVD
Video Up to 480p (NTSC) or 576p (PAL/SECAM)
Component(Progesive scan)
S-Video and composite output
Audio: Stereo, Dolby Pro Logic II
Controller with built-in mono speaker
Ini yang berat, semua memilik keistimewaan masing-masing. Murah, model unik dan kualitas paling cangih serta variasi gamenya yang banyak merupakan tiga point yang diinginkan oleh setiap gamer saat membeli sebuah konsol, yang saat ini terbagi menjadi tiga konsol generasi mendatang yaitu Xbox360. PS3 dan Nitendo Wii. Satu lagi perlu diinget mengenai media kopiannya di tanah air. Tanpanya tidak mungkin sebuah konsol dapat populer di sini. Wii terlihat paling menjajikan untuk di beli, disusul Xbox360, baru kemudain PS3 yang masih memiliki kekurangan tertuma dalam HARGA!Bukannya seorang fanboy, namun realita keadaan ekonomi kita juga sangat menentukan ke depannya!?
Bagi yang suka grafis tinggi dan banyak dana juga suka game RPG lebih baik beli PS3. Terus yang dananya lumayan terbatas dan lebih suka game FPS Xbox 360 tempanya.Kemudian yang dana terbats dan suka maen game rame-rame dengan teman,keluarga atau juga pacar lebih baik pilih Wii, karena kebanyakan game Wii dimainkannya lebih dr satu orang dan juga bisa untuk berolah raga kalau maen Wii pasti rada capek dan keringetan jadinya bau keringet dah....Terus mw beli konsol yang mn nie??
semoga bisa membantu ^^
halo agan2 sekalian. Perang next-gen sekarang ini merupakan perang batin mereka saling bersaing untuk mencapai penjualan tertinggi.dan itu yg akan saya bahas d sini.....
Bagi agan2 yang berminat membeli 1 diantara 3 console ini mungkin post ini bisa di jadikan bahan pertimbangan untuk agan2 membeli yang terbaik atau lebih sesuai dengan minat agan2..
cekidot ^^
PlayStation 3
Perjuangan berat harus di hadapi Sony untuk dapat mempopulerkan generasi game ke-3 mereka. Banyak muncul sentimen negatif masyarakat dan media terhadap mereka! Meski begitu peluang konsol ini untuk meraih kesuksesan masih terbuka lebar, asalkan Sony dapat membawa peluang yang muncul! PS3 nampak begitu ekslusif dengan desain yang mewah, sayang harga yang d miliki terlalu mahal apalagi bagi gamer tanah air.
Spesifikasi Teknis
CPU ; IBM Cell @3.2Ghz
GPU : Nvidia G& RSX @550MHz
Full HD (up to 1080p)x 2 chanels
Sound: Dolby 5.1ch DTS LCPM
RAM 256 MB XDR 23.2GHz
VRAM 256 MB GDDR3 @700MHz
Storage HDD S-ATA 2.5" (60GB/20GB)
6 USB 2.0 Port
Memory Stick Pro Duo,SD card
Ethernet (10BASE-T,100BASE-TX)
Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b/g
Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
Video : 480i,480p,720p, 1080i,1080p
Video out :HDMI, av Composite, Component
Disc Media : CD,DVD , Blue Ray
-Built-in Ray drive (game, movie musik, dan lainnya) yang mulai di lirik banyak orang
-Paling kuat dngan prosesor cell
-Di dukung multimedia yg cangih dan lengkap, disertakan built-in dalam mesin
-Desain yg tampak mewah dan elegan, fitur sentuh untuk tombol open/close Blueray
-Dukungan backward compatibilyti paling baik
-Kontrol tampak seperti murahan karena tidak ada perubahan dengan PS2
-Kurang siap dalam hal online
-Kopiannya masih belom jelas (bajakan)

Siapa yg tak kenal konsol ini milk Microsoft yang dipersiapkan untuk dapat bersaing deengan PS3 dari Sony. Dirilis setahun lebih awal, xbox360 memiliki berbagai keuntungan sendiri karena mencuri start. Diantaranya ialah Persipan yang lebih matang untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan. Tidak hanya itu, versi game kopiannya juga semakin berkembang di Tanah air, tentunya dangan teknologi flash yg ada! Harganya juga lebih terjangkau....
Spesifikasi Teknis
CPU: Custom PowerPC-based
GPU: ATi R520 Xenos @500MHz
RAM: 512 MB GDDR3 RAM @700MHz Shared
Audio: Multichanel surround 32 bit prosesing
Media: DVD, HD-DVD
All game support 16:9 aspect rasio
Video:Up to 720 p and 1080i video modes
Customizabie face plates to chabge appearance
3 USB 2.0 ports
Support for wireless controllers
Detachable 20 GB hard drive
Optional Wi-Fi ready (802.11a 802.11b dan 802.11g)
Using an Xbox 360-specific or third party wireless accessory
-Dirilis lebih awal dari PS3 dan Wii banyak game telah dirlis perbaikan sistem bug dan sistem jauh lebih baik
-memiliki komunitas yg besar dan untuk fasilitas online xbox live yg mereka sediakan.
-Mulai serius dengan pasar jepang, Asia pada umunnya. Dengan burusaha melahirkan game-game RPG bermutu seperti Lost Odysey, Blue Dragon.
-Ada kopiannya sudah tersedia di tanah air.
-Banyak mengalami masalah ketika di rilis, diantaranya adalah sistem crash dan overheat, yang telah membuat orang ragu untuk membelinya.
-Butuh dana tambah untuk membeli HD-DVD yang di jual secara terpisah.
-Kegagalan Xbox pertama, banyak trauma dengan hal ini!
Nitendo Wii
Terlihat paling menjanjikan dua lainnya. jauh Sebelum di rilis, banyak respon positif diberikan terhadap konsol ini. Palimg inovatif dengan kontrol Wii Remote yang memiliki fitur motion sensor. Begitu juga di tanah air, respon positif banyak di berikan terhadap produk ini. Target penjualannya telah terpenuhi, Wii tampil sebagai satu-satunya konsol next-gen paling laris terjual di awal kali perilisannya! Sesuai prediksi orang.
-Desain konsol sangant simpel, tidak banyak tempat unutk menaruhnya.
-Paling inovatif dibandingkan dua lainnya
-Disertai Zelda diawal kali perilisannya
-Motion sensor dengan kontrol unik Wii Mote!
-Memiliki daftar ekslusif game tetap yang hanya tersedia dimesin game NINTENDO
-Grafis paling buruk dibandingkan dua pesaing lainnya!
-Butuh ruangn khusus untuk memainkannya
-Tunggu sampai tahun depan untuk dapat memutar movie!
-Butuh stamina ekstra dalam bermain
Spesifikasi Teknis
CPU: PowePC *Brodway*
GPU: ATi*Hollywood*
4 Wiimote controllers bluetooth
1 SD Memory card slot
2 USB 2.0 port
1 Sensor bar port
Wifi 802.11b/g wireless built-in
Optinal USB 2.0 port to Ethernet LAN adaptor
Storege 512 MB built-in flash memory
Slot loading disc drive
-8 cm GameCube mini-DVD
-12 cm Wii DVD
Video Up to 480p (NTSC) or 576p (PAL/SECAM)
Component(Progesive scan)
S-Video and composite output
Audio: Stereo, Dolby Pro Logic II
Controller with built-in mono speaker
Ini yang berat, semua memilik keistimewaan masing-masing. Murah, model unik dan kualitas paling cangih serta variasi gamenya yang banyak merupakan tiga point yang diinginkan oleh setiap gamer saat membeli sebuah konsol, yang saat ini terbagi menjadi tiga konsol generasi mendatang yaitu Xbox360. PS3 dan Nitendo Wii. Satu lagi perlu diinget mengenai media kopiannya di tanah air. Tanpanya tidak mungkin sebuah konsol dapat populer di sini. Wii terlihat paling menjajikan untuk di beli, disusul Xbox360, baru kemudain PS3 yang masih memiliki kekurangan tertuma dalam HARGA!Bukannya seorang fanboy, namun realita keadaan ekonomi kita juga sangat menentukan ke depannya!?
Bagi yang suka grafis tinggi dan banyak dana juga suka game RPG lebih baik beli PS3. Terus yang dananya lumayan terbatas dan lebih suka game FPS Xbox 360 tempanya.Kemudian yang dana terbats dan suka maen game rame-rame dengan teman,keluarga atau juga pacar lebih baik pilih Wii, karena kebanyakan game Wii dimainkannya lebih dr satu orang dan juga bisa untuk berolah raga kalau maen Wii pasti rada capek dan keringetan jadinya bau keringet dah....Terus mw beli konsol yang mn nie??
semoga bisa membantu ^^
Jumat, 24 Februari 2012
Top 10 Nintendo 3DS
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Top 10 Nintendo 3DS Games To Look Forward To
Best 3DS Games: What we want from the Nintendo 3DS isn't its technology but the games belonging to the platform. Listed are ten of the best games the Nintendo 3DS will have to offer.
Nintendo’s new handheld platform, the 3DS, is heralded by some as a revolution for video games. Others call it a gimmick. What matters with the platform isn’t its technology, but the games it offers. Here are ten of the best games to look forward to on the Nintendo 3DS.
10. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries
The basic premise of the game is simple: kill as many hostiles as possible within a set time to earn the highest score. With Wi-Fi connectivity and co-op play, players can get together to kill hordes of Plagas-infected humans while customizing their characters and abilities.
“Resident Evil: The Mercenaries” is more or less the Resident Evil franchise’s version of “Final Fantasy: Dissidia.” Built on minigames in the fourth and fifth Resident Evil titles with new stages, characters and modes, “The Mercenaries” is designed for casual players.
9. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D
It couldn’t be a better time for “Metal Gear Solid 3” to get a remake. With the latest technology, the new game is said to utilize the Nintendo 3DS’s gyroscope, motion-sensor and 3D--the last of which is pretty much a given for any 3DS title.
Hideo Kojima is keeping the game under wraps for now, but there is little doubt that gamers are going to be in store for something special with this one.
8. Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition
Playing “Super Street Fighter IV” might be all the rage on the PS3 or Xbox 360 because of its great visual style and equally good gameplay, but the lack of 3D means that the game doesn’t pop out as much as it could.
This version for the Nintendo 3DS is an attempt to remedy this slight shortcoming by putting you closer to the action. While the game can be played in the usual view, a new camera mode offers a over-the-shoulder angle for even more intense gameplay. More than just a port, players can also perform special moves by tapping icons on the touch screen.
Like many other 3DS titles, SSFIV will make full use of the StreetPass feature so you can have impromptu battles with other players in the real world, collecting figurines as you defeat them.
7. Paper Mario
“Paper Mario” may share the same name as the original “Paper Mario,” but make no mistake: it’s a completely new game. This turn-based RPG is expected to take advantage of the Nintendo 3DS by bringing its papercraft visual style into the third dimension.
Following the papercraft theme, Mario must collect stickers found throughout the world to stick them onto the environment. It’s not too dissimilar from the stamp system in “Costume Quest.”
Announced in June last year, “Paper Mario” is said to be very far along in its development despite not having a release date as of yet.
6. Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle
There’s fewer games more addicting than the Professor Layton series of puzzle games. Packed with brain teasers and puzzles of all sorts, the Professor Layton games have been a staple on the DS platform ever since the first title was released years ago.
New to the Nintendo 3DS is “Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle,” the fifth game in the series but the third story chronologically. It serves as a sequel to “Professor Layton and the Specter’s Flute,” for those of you who care about the game’s storyline outside its puzzles.
The game will receive a visual overhaul thanks to the 3DS’ three-dimensional graphics engine, replacing the hand-drawn 2D sprites with new, high resolution 3D models. Players can also examine areas in 3D and many new puzzles will take advantage of the platform’s technologies, including the motion sensor.
It’s safe to say that there’s no other puzzle game like it, so it’s definitely one to look forward to.
5. Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
If the previous LEGO titles are any indication, “LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars” will undoubtedly be better than the movie it is based on. Criticism of the movie aside, the game is a follow up to the previous LEGO Star Wars games, in which up to two players can play cooperatively. Players can switch between various characters collected throughout the game as they advance through the movie’s storyline and complete multi-part objectives from solving puzzles to fighting large bosses.
Although the game is being released for every (recent) gaming platform in existence, the 3DS version of “Lego Star Wars 3” will be the first game in the series to feature full three dimensional graphics. You’ll be seeing plastic bricks like you’ve never seen them before.
4. Rayman 3D
Not to be confused with the as-yet-unannounced “Rayman 3,” Rayman 3D is a full fledged port of the platform game “Rayman 2: The Great Escape” to the 3DS. Although the game was previously ported to the PSP and the iOS, this new port is said to be based on the Dreamcast version--arguably it’s best--with a complete overhaul of its user interface, progression and learning curve to make the game more accessible for newcomers.
The game takes in the Glade of Dreams where robot pirates from outer space--yes, you read that correct--invade the world and disrupt the order of things. Rayman must go on a journey to collect a thousand pieces of the world’s core--Lums--and awaken four magical masks to summon the world’s spirit to repair the world. It’s a fantastic setting and one that escapes description, thanks to Michel Ancel’s (best known for his work on Beyond Good & Evil) propensity for designing beautiful and strange worlds.
Played through the first person perspective, the player controls the floaty-limbed Rayman as he runs, jumps, climbs and punches his way through alien robot pirates while collecting Lums. Doing so even unlocks new details about the game world and its myriad of mysteries.
Unlike the previous ports, which were based on the Nintendo 64 version of the game, “Rayman 3D” is expected to look and feel its finest on the new 3DS platform.
3. Kid Icarus: Uprising
“Kid Icarus: Uprising” is a return of the Kid Icarus franchise and the third in the series, and offers a blend of both ground and air combat. Pit, the game’s protagonist, battles the forces of a reborn Medusa (from the earlier game in the series) who isn’t as dead as she seems. Built for the 3DS, “Uprising” will feature Pit as he is depicted in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
This nineteen-year wait had well be worth it.
2. Resident Evil: Revelations
“Resident Evil: Revelations” is the first exclusive title for the 3DS in the RE series. Not a reboot or a continuation of the Resident Evil saga, “Revelations” takes place between episodes four and five, with Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine serving as the game’s protagonists. The two characters find themselves onboard a haunted cruise ship and various parts of Europe.
“Revelations” is said to be a throwback to the survival-horror gameplay of the original Resident Evil titles and a departure from the action-heavy gameplay of the newer games, with a strong focus on exploration and puzzle-solving. However, unlike the early RE games, “Revelations” will be set in a third person, over-the-shoulder perspective with an option for FPS aiming that makes full use of the Nintendo 3DS’ capabilities.
“The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D” is without a doubt the most wanted game on the Nintendo 3DS. With game director Eiji Aonuma himself at the helm, “Ocarina of Time 3D” is promised to not only look as good as games today, but also improve upon every single aspect of the game--from its user interface down to its core mechanics. Thanks to technology in the Nintendo 3DS, you can also expect to aim with the motion sensor.
We can expect that it’ll no longer take hours to get through the Deku Tree and the famously difficult Water Temple--the source of the majority of the game’s complaints--will hopefully be as polished as the rest of the game.
If there’s any game to look forward to on the 3DS, it’s this one.
Best 3DS Games: What we want from the Nintendo 3DS isn't its technology but the games belonging to the platform. Listed are ten of the best games the Nintendo 3DS will have to offer.
Nintendo’s new handheld platform, the 3DS, is heralded by some as a revolution for video games. Others call it a gimmick. What matters with the platform isn’t its technology, but the games it offers. Here are ten of the best games to look forward to on the Nintendo 3DS.
10. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries
The basic premise of the game is simple: kill as many hostiles as possible within a set time to earn the highest score. With Wi-Fi connectivity and co-op play, players can get together to kill hordes of Plagas-infected humans while customizing their characters and abilities.
“Resident Evil: The Mercenaries” is more or less the Resident Evil franchise’s version of “Final Fantasy: Dissidia.” Built on minigames in the fourth and fifth Resident Evil titles with new stages, characters and modes, “The Mercenaries” is designed for casual players.
9. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D
It couldn’t be a better time for “Metal Gear Solid 3” to get a remake. With the latest technology, the new game is said to utilize the Nintendo 3DS’s gyroscope, motion-sensor and 3D--the last of which is pretty much a given for any 3DS title.
Hideo Kojima is keeping the game under wraps for now, but there is little doubt that gamers are going to be in store for something special with this one.
8. Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition
Playing “Super Street Fighter IV” might be all the rage on the PS3 or Xbox 360 because of its great visual style and equally good gameplay, but the lack of 3D means that the game doesn’t pop out as much as it could.
This version for the Nintendo 3DS is an attempt to remedy this slight shortcoming by putting you closer to the action. While the game can be played in the usual view, a new camera mode offers a over-the-shoulder angle for even more intense gameplay. More than just a port, players can also perform special moves by tapping icons on the touch screen.
Like many other 3DS titles, SSFIV will make full use of the StreetPass feature so you can have impromptu battles with other players in the real world, collecting figurines as you defeat them.
7. Paper Mario
“Paper Mario” may share the same name as the original “Paper Mario,” but make no mistake: it’s a completely new game. This turn-based RPG is expected to take advantage of the Nintendo 3DS by bringing its papercraft visual style into the third dimension.
Following the papercraft theme, Mario must collect stickers found throughout the world to stick them onto the environment. It’s not too dissimilar from the stamp system in “Costume Quest.”
Announced in June last year, “Paper Mario” is said to be very far along in its development despite not having a release date as of yet.
6. Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle
There’s fewer games more addicting than the Professor Layton series of puzzle games. Packed with brain teasers and puzzles of all sorts, the Professor Layton games have been a staple on the DS platform ever since the first title was released years ago.
New to the Nintendo 3DS is “Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle,” the fifth game in the series but the third story chronologically. It serves as a sequel to “Professor Layton and the Specter’s Flute,” for those of you who care about the game’s storyline outside its puzzles.
The game will receive a visual overhaul thanks to the 3DS’ three-dimensional graphics engine, replacing the hand-drawn 2D sprites with new, high resolution 3D models. Players can also examine areas in 3D and many new puzzles will take advantage of the platform’s technologies, including the motion sensor.
It’s safe to say that there’s no other puzzle game like it, so it’s definitely one to look forward to.
5. Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
If the previous LEGO titles are any indication, “LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars” will undoubtedly be better than the movie it is based on. Criticism of the movie aside, the game is a follow up to the previous LEGO Star Wars games, in which up to two players can play cooperatively. Players can switch between various characters collected throughout the game as they advance through the movie’s storyline and complete multi-part objectives from solving puzzles to fighting large bosses.
Although the game is being released for every (recent) gaming platform in existence, the 3DS version of “Lego Star Wars 3” will be the first game in the series to feature full three dimensional graphics. You’ll be seeing plastic bricks like you’ve never seen them before.
4. Rayman 3D
Not to be confused with the as-yet-unannounced “Rayman 3,” Rayman 3D is a full fledged port of the platform game “Rayman 2: The Great Escape” to the 3DS. Although the game was previously ported to the PSP and the iOS, this new port is said to be based on the Dreamcast version--arguably it’s best--with a complete overhaul of its user interface, progression and learning curve to make the game more accessible for newcomers.
The game takes in the Glade of Dreams where robot pirates from outer space--yes, you read that correct--invade the world and disrupt the order of things. Rayman must go on a journey to collect a thousand pieces of the world’s core--Lums--and awaken four magical masks to summon the world’s spirit to repair the world. It’s a fantastic setting and one that escapes description, thanks to Michel Ancel’s (best known for his work on Beyond Good & Evil) propensity for designing beautiful and strange worlds.
Played through the first person perspective, the player controls the floaty-limbed Rayman as he runs, jumps, climbs and punches his way through alien robot pirates while collecting Lums. Doing so even unlocks new details about the game world and its myriad of mysteries.
Unlike the previous ports, which were based on the Nintendo 64 version of the game, “Rayman 3D” is expected to look and feel its finest on the new 3DS platform.
3. Kid Icarus: Uprising
“Kid Icarus: Uprising” is a return of the Kid Icarus franchise and the third in the series, and offers a blend of both ground and air combat. Pit, the game’s protagonist, battles the forces of a reborn Medusa (from the earlier game in the series) who isn’t as dead as she seems. Built for the 3DS, “Uprising” will feature Pit as he is depicted in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
This nineteen-year wait had well be worth it.
2. Resident Evil: Revelations
“Resident Evil: Revelations” is the first exclusive title for the 3DS in the RE series. Not a reboot or a continuation of the Resident Evil saga, “Revelations” takes place between episodes four and five, with Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine serving as the game’s protagonists. The two characters find themselves onboard a haunted cruise ship and various parts of Europe.
“Revelations” is said to be a throwback to the survival-horror gameplay of the original Resident Evil titles and a departure from the action-heavy gameplay of the newer games, with a strong focus on exploration and puzzle-solving. However, unlike the early RE games, “Revelations” will be set in a third person, over-the-shoulder perspective with an option for FPS aiming that makes full use of the Nintendo 3DS’ capabilities.
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
“The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D” is without a doubt the most wanted game on the Nintendo 3DS. With game director Eiji Aonuma himself at the helm, “Ocarina of Time 3D” is promised to not only look as good as games today, but also improve upon every single aspect of the game--from its user interface down to its core mechanics. Thanks to technology in the Nintendo 3DS, you can also expect to aim with the motion sensor.
We can expect that it’ll no longer take hours to get through the Deku Tree and the famously difficult Water Temple--the source of the majority of the game’s complaints--will hopefully be as polished as the rest of the game.
If there’s any game to look forward to on the 3DS, it’s this one.
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Real 3D Graphics.
No Glasses Needed.
Introducing the Nintendo 3DS system. Experience incredible gameplay featuring real 3D graphics, with no need for special glasses. Nintendo 3DS is a breakthrough in portable entertainment, a truly cutting-edge piece of hardware. It has to be seen to be believed.
3D Screen
The Nintendo 3DS system opens up a whole new world of eye-popping gameplay possibilities. The stereoscopic 3D display of the upper screen gives objects within the game world a feeling of space and depth that extends far into the back of the screen. It becomes easier to see the position of characters and obstacles in the world, making many game experiences even more intuitive for all types of players.
3D Depth Slider
A built-in 3D Depth Slider allows you to immediately adjust the intensity of the 3D settings on the Nintendo 3DS system to your liking. The 3D effect can also be turned down completely—all Nintendo 3DS games and applications can be played in 2D, and look better than any Nintendo handheld before it.Motion Sensor & Gyro SensorPortable play control reaches a new level with these amazing features, allowing for new & unique gameplay mechanics. A built-in motion sensor and gyro sensor can react to the motion and tilt of the system, so whether players are twisting their systems side to side or moving them up and down, their motion-compatible Nintendo 3DS games respond instantly.
Two Sreens
Game graphics have never looked better on a Nintendo handheld system, thanks to the two screens of the Nintendo 3DS system.
A widescreen display on the top screen shows 800x240 pixel resolution, allocating 400 pixels for each eye to create the 3D effect.
The bottom LCD touch screen operates at a resolution of 320x240—with both screens capable of displaying a brilliant 16.77 million colors
Analog Control
With the Circle Pad, located above the + Control Pad, Nintendo 3DS offers full analog control in 3D game worlds. Combined with the touch screen, traditional buttons, camera and microphone input, and advanced motion control of the Motion Sensor and Gyro Sensor, the potential is extraordinary.
3D Camera
The Nintendo 3DS system uses its two outer cameras to see the world in 3D, much like the human eye. This allows for the creation of 3D photos, 3D video, and even 3D stop-motion animations, that make for an eye-popping addition to your next photo op.
Adjustable Stylus
The adjustable Nintendo 3DS Stylus takes the idea of touch control to a new and even more user-friendly level. Once removed from the holder, the stylus length can be adjusted to your liking with a simple push or pull. Now anyone can achieve the optimum level of comfort while playing games that use the stylus.
Charging Cradle
Dock your Nintendo 3DS system whenever you are not using it in the included Charging Cradle to keep it powered. You can then leave the system on in Sleep Mode while charging, so that it can communicate via the SpotPass feature at any time of day or night.
2GB SD Memory Card Inclided
Every Nintendo 3DS system comes packed with a 2GB SD Memory Card. You can use this SD Memory Card to store your 3D photos, and sound recordings created on the Nintendo 3DS system, and music* from your PC. You can also use it to store games downloaded from the Nintendo eShop. The Nintendo 3DS system has SDHC card compatibility to increase your storage space even further.Backwards CompabilityAlmost all existing Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi games can be played on a Nintendo 3DS system in 2D. With backwards compatibility, your existing portable games look and play just as well.
Social and wired like no Nintendo system before it, Nintendo 3DS brings fellow players together in exciting new ways with StreetPass™ communication. Set your Nintendo 3DS to Sleep Mode and carry it with you wherever you go to exchange game data like Mii™ characters, high scores, and custom characters with other users you pass on the street. You control what data you exchange, and you can exchange data for multiple games at once, making virtual connections with real world people you encounter in your daily life.
Your Nintendo 3DS system can automatically connect to a wireless internet access point. Once connected, special items will download automatically to your system via the SpotPass feature, even while in sleep mode. Some of these surprise items include exclusive content and promotions from Nintendo Zone™, unique 3D videos from the Nintendo Video™ service, and add-on game content from your favorite Nintendo 3DS games!
Not sure if you've received something? Look for the blue LED light on the outside of your Nintendo 3DS system or a blue dot on your favorite HOME Menu icon to find out what's been delivered to you.
Getting SpotPass on the go is easier than ever! Enjoy a free and automatic connection to Wi-Fi at over 29,000 Nintendo Zone locations across the U.S. and Canada. To find a location near you and learn more about Nintendo Zone.
Minggu, 19 Februari 2012
Rules,Forbiden,Sem Limited,and Limited Cards
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Rules Asgard Yugi Oh Tournament
1. Pemain menarik 5 kartu ke tangan
dari deck pada awal permainan.
2. Maksimal kartu di tangan
berjumlah 7 lembar.
3. Jumlah deck minimal 40 lembar
dan jumlah maksimal 60 lembar.
4. Forbidden, limited, dan semi
limited card sesuai dengan list yang dibuat oleh panitia.
5. Life point awal permaianan
adalah 8000 dan maksimal life poin adalah 16000.
6. Maksimal kartu yang berada di
extra deck berjumlah 10 lembar.
7. Maksimal kartu yang berada di
side deck berjumlah 15 lembar.
8. Tidak diperkenankan merubah
susunan deck selama turnamen, kecuali dari side deck.
9. Kartu tidak boleh print out
harus original buatan pabrik.
10. Bagian belakang kartu harus sama
atau menggunakan card sleeve.
11. Tidak boleh ada pembatalan pada
penggunaan efek kartu, bila terjadi kesalahan karti dianggap sudah terpakai.
12. Batas waktu standby phase
maksimal 5 menit.
13. Ketentuan speed card :
Continous : 1
Normal : 2
Quick : 3
Counter : 4
14. Dispensasi keterlambatan peserma
maksimal 15 menit, apabila lewat dari batas waktu yang ditentukan maka peserta
dianggap kalah.
15. Kartu tidak boleh ada yang
rusak, lecek, atau terkelupas.
16. Sebelum permainan dimulai kartu
peserta akan dikocok oleh wasit.
17. Pemenang ditentukan melalui “The
Best of Three”.
18. Magic card yang digunakan dari
tangan maupun yang dipasang di arena hanya bisa digunakan pada putaran sendiri,
kecuali quick spell.
19. Trap card yang diset hanya bisa digunakan setelah putaran
20. Hal-hal yang belum diatur pada
peraturan di atas akan diatur kemudian.
21. Keputusan wasit adalah mutlak.
No. | Monster Card | Spell Card | Trap Card | ||
1 | Chaos Emperor Dragon Envoy of the End | Brain Control | Crush Card Virus | ||
2 | Cyber Jar | Butterfly Dagger - Elma | Exchange of the Spirit | ||
3 | Cyber-Stein | Card of Safe Return | Imperial Order | ||
4 | Dark Magician of Chaos | Change of Heart | Last Turn | ||
5 | Dark Strike Fighter | Cold Wave | Ring of Destruction | ||
6 | Destiny HERO - Disk | Confiscation | Royal Oppression | ||
7 | Commander | Delinquent Duo | Sixth Sense | ||
8 | Fiber Jar | Dimension Fusion | Time Seal | ||
9 | Fishborg Blaster | Giant Trunade | |||
10 | Goyo Guardian | Graceful Charity | |||
11 | Magical Scientist | Harpie's Feather Duster | |||
12 | Magician of Faith | Last Will | |||
13 | Makyura the Destructor | Mass Driver | |||
14 | Mind Master | Metamorphosis | |||
15 | Rescue Cat | Mirage of Nightmare | |||
16 | Sinister Serpent | Painful Choice | |||
17 | Substitoad | Pot of Greed | |||
18 | Thousand-Eyes Restrict | Premature Burial | |||
19 | Tribe-Infecting Virus | Raigeki | |||
20 | Tsukuyomi | Snatch Steal | |||
21 | Victory Dragon | Temple of the Kings | |||
22 | Witch of the Black Forest | The Forceful Sentry | |||
23 | Yata-Garasu |
No. | Monster Card | Spell Card | Trap Card |
1 | Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning | Gateway of the Six | Ceasefire |
2 | Blackwing-Gale of Whirlwind | Heavy Storm | Magical Explosion |
3 | Blackwing-Kalut the Moon Shadow | Infernity Launcher | Mirror Force |
4 | Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier | Level Limit - Area B | Return from the Different Dimension |
5 | Dandylion | Limiter Removal | Solemn Judgement |
6 | Dark Armed Dragon | Mind Control | The Transmigration Prophecy |
7 | Debris Dragon | Monster Gate | Torrential Tribute |
8 | Elemental HERO Stratos | Monster Reborn | Trap Dustshoot |
9 | Exodia the Forbidden One | One for One | Wall of Revealing Light |
10 | Formula Synchron | Pot of Avarice | |
11 | Gladiator Beast Bestiari | Primal Seed | |
12 | Gorz the Emissary of Darkness | Reasoning | |
13 | Honest | Reinforcement of the Army | |
14 | Left Arm of the Forbidden One | Scapegoat | |
15 | Left Leg of the Forbidden One | Shien's Smoke Signal | |
16 | Legendary Six Samurai - Shie En | Advance Ritual Art | |
17 | Lonefire Blossom | Allure of Darkness | |
18 | Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner | Black Whirlwind | |
19 | Marshmallon | Book of Moon | |
20 | Mezuki | Burial from a Different Dimension | |
21 | Morphing Jar | Card Destruction | |
22 | Necroface | Charge of the Light Brigade | |
23 | Neo-Spacian Grand Mole | Dark Hole | |
24 | Night Assailant | Emergency Teleport | |
25 | Plaguespreader Zombie | Foolish Burial | |
26 | Right Arm of the Forbidden One | Future Fusion | |
27 | Right Leg of the Forbidden One | ||
28 | Sangan | ||
29 | T.G. Hyper Librarian | ||
30 | Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier |
No. | Monster Card | Spell Card | Trap Card |
1 | Archlord Kristya | Chain Strike | Bottomless Trap Hole |
2 | Card Trooper | Destiny Draw | Call of Haunted |
3 | Destiny HERO - Malicious | Magical Stone Excavation | Magic Cylinder |
4 | Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier | Royal Tribute | Mind Crush |
5 | Necro Gardna | Swords of Revealing Light | Ojama Trio |
6 | Summoner Monk | Solemn Warning | |
7 | Tragoedia |